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Book cover image of The Long Road Home

The Long Road Home

Previously Titled: Home No More

My name is Kendall Carrington—or so I thought. 

One night, a routine traffic stop turned the world I 
thought I knew upside down. I wasn’t who I thought 
I was. No one was. I had been kidnapped when I was 
young, and everything I had been told was all a lie. 
But the lies didn’t end there. If it hadn’t been for 
Lincoln Hunt, I might not have ever found out the 

My real name is Danielle Tucker. 

This is my story of pain, betrayal, and finding the 
true meaning of home.

"Guys what can I say other than MY. MIND. WAS. COMPLETELY. BLOWN. This is story like no other. A rare treat that had me holding my breath at every turn, so afraid to turn the page in fear of what was going to happen next."

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