Are you up to date?
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great summer so far. I can't believe it's nearly the middle of June already. That just doesn't seem possible for some reason. Time is definitely flying and I have so much going on. I just hope I can get it all accomplished before I pull all of my hair out! I had a couple things I wanted to mention. First, I have a giveaway going on over on my Facebook page for a signed copy of Beautiful Boy. You should definitely go check that out. Click here! Seocondly, I have my pre-orders up for the remaining book signings that are coming up. To take advantage of these, please go to my Signed Books page. Finally, if you aren't doing so already, please go to my Amazon page and follow me. I would greatly appreciate it! Plus it's a bonus for you as you'll be able to stay up to date with my upcoming releases!