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What are you waiting for?

Did you know that I have a readers group specifically for my faithful followers? They are a group of amazing ladies known as Leddy's Lovelies. If you didn't know about this group, would you like to be a part of it? If so, send my Facebook page a message and either myself or my personal assistant will add you.

We have a lot of great things coming up that you won't want to miss out on. Currently I am giving away ARC's for my new book, Eminent Love, coming out in July. On June 14th, Author Ashley Hampton will be taking over and we'll hear all about her books. In July we will be whooping it up during the release week for Eminent Love with takeovers from Nicole Blanchard, JM Walker and myself. Nicole & JM also have releases coming out in July, so why not make it one big party? Tia Louise will also be joining us later this year as much, much more! Join us now. don't want to miss out on all the fun!

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