Are you ready?
OMG! I have so much going on right now that I don't know if I'm coming or going. I can't wait for you to read my newest release, Eminent Love, which is dropping July 20th. It's coming up so fast. I can't believe I have another book ready to go. It seems like I just released Beautiful Boy. Speaking of Beautiful Boy, have you entered my giveaway on my Facebook page for a signed copy? If not, what are you waiting for? Have you shared it and talked your friends into signing up for it? Well, get on that...right HERE. Alright, now that I've said my piece on that, how about I share my latest teaser for Eminent Love? Can you tell I'm excited about this book? I'll hook you up. If you missed any of the teasers, you can find them on my Facebook page. Can I just say that I've had the hardest time picking quotes to use on my teasers because there are so many? The struggle is real!!!

If you're looking to pre-order, go to my "Books" page here on my website. All the links are there. one more thing. Who will I see at Sexy & Sassy #SASS in Norfolk, VA this coming weekend? I'm busy getting ready to head there. What to take? What not to take? How many suitcases can I take? Do you see where this is going? I can't make a decision to save myself. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. Remember, if you take a picture with me, I would love for you to tag me or share it on my Facebook page.