Exclusive Excerpt for Silenced
Chapter One: Rylee Sweat dripped down the side of my face, collecting in the collar of my shirt. The heat was almost unbearable, but I...

Carter Hastings was only supposed to be a fling, A summer of fun, excitement, pleasure And, it was… Everything. It’s hard to walk...

Do I have a DEAL for you...
Before I get too busy and get side-tracked...I wanted to let you all in on the deal I currently have running. Starting today, October...

Did you say SIGNING???
I don't know if it's just me...but all I can think about lately is SIGNINGS. Yes, signings. I have a few coming up in the very near...

A Secret Affair
Just in case you haven't seen it...A Secret Affair Anthology by Leddy Harper, Carina Adams, Jeannine Colette, Nicole Hart, Lauren Runow,...

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
I'm not even sure where to start. There are a ton of things going on all at once and since I'm currently having issues with getting my...

Are you ready?
OMG! I have so much going on right now that I don't know if I'm coming or going. I can't wait for you to read my newest release, Eminent...

First Excerpt for EMINENT LOVE
I’ve done nothing for a year other than think of her and remember how good I’d had it. How healing her love was for me. How I’d never...

What are you waiting for?
Did you know that I have a readers group specifically for my faithful followers? They are a group of amazing ladies known as Leddy's...